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Types of Breathalyzer Manufacturers and how it works?
What are breathalyzers and what are they used for? A breathalyzer manufacturer is a technically complex device to determine how much alcohol is in the body, based on the analysis of exhaled air. A breathalyzer is popular among traffic police and the medical field to determine the degree of intoxication. Recently, breathalyzers have also become very… Continue reading Types of Breathalyzer Manufacturers and how it works?

Best KT005 Mems Sensor Breathalyzer Manufacturer in China
Types of Breathalyzer and how they work! The main determining device in a breathalyzer manufacturer, which is involved in detecting the concentration of alcohol in a person's breath, is a sensor. It is he who catches alcohol molecules and estimates their number in order to get an expression in ppm. According to the type of built-in… Continue reading Best KT005 Mems Sensor Breathalyzer Manufacturer in China

Alcohol Tester EK910: Top Breath Tester Manufacturer
Introduction to Alcohol Tester EK910 Breath tester manufacturers have developed a very authentic tester: Alcohol Tester EK910. This is one of the best alcohol testers available in the market. The modification with a replaceable mouthpiece allows directing the airflow to the sensitive element. Furthermore, it increases the accuracy of determining the concentration of alcohol vapors.… Continue reading Alcohol Tester EK910: Top Breath Tester Manufacturer

Alcohol Tester Manufacturer: The Best Inexpensive Models
The alcohol tester manufacturer provides a device that displays a number on the screen indicating the mass amount of alcohol dissolved in 1 liter of human blood. The unit is designated ppm (‰) and is equal to 0.001%, the parameter is adopted as a standard for laboratory research. For example, when a man weighing 85 kg drinks… Continue reading Alcohol Tester Manufacturer: The Best Inexpensive Models

EK912: Best Alcohol Detector Manufacturers in 2021
Introduction of Alcohol detector manufacturer The Alcohol detector manufacturer portable tester with a semiconductor measuring element is designed for blowing without using a mouthpiece. The product is designed to determine the concentration of alcohol in the air up to 2 ppm (scale step is 0.1 ppm). Replaceable AAA batteries locate inside the case, and a sound… Continue reading EK912: Best Alcohol Detector Manufacturers in 2021

EK916: Best Alcohol Test Manufacturer China
What is an Alcohol tester? Alcohol test manufacturer can guarantee you the best and accurate results. After taking alcoholic beverages, the air exhaled by a person contains ethyl alcohol vapors, the concentration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the amount of drinks drunk. The rating of the best breathalyzers includes… Continue reading EK916: Best Alcohol Test Manufacturer China

How to Choose a Proper Alcohol Tester?
While semiconductor or Electrochemical sensors are commonly used in the market for alcohol testers, there are a few manufacturers that use MEMS sensors, and the price of different sensors varies widely. Fuel cell sensor The fuel cell breathalyzer reply on chemical reactions. The alcohol concentration on a person breathes is the energy for the fuel cell.… Continue reading How to Choose a Proper Alcohol Tester?